Bomanjee Homarjee Wadia fountain, located at the junction of Bazaar Gate Street and Perin Nariman Street, Fort Mumbai was erected in 1882. It was a commemorative fountain erected in honour of Bomanjee Homarjee Wadia who died on 3rd July 1862 and who had contributed largely towards the service of the city.
The KGA has completed restoration work on this structure with the expertise of conservation architect Vikas Dilwari in December 2017. KGA will maintain the structure post its restoration.
Did You Know?
Bomanjee Hormarjee Wadia Clock Tower is a heritage structure in Fort, Mumbai, India, that was erected in 1882 using public funds as a token of appreciation for Bomanjee Hormarjee Wadi, a Parsi philanthropist who had contributed to the cause of education in the city.
The Kala Ghoda Association was formed on 30th October 1998 with the aim of maintaining and preserving the heritage of the Kala Ghoda area – South Mumbai’s beloved art district.
T: +91 22 4976 4664 | +91 22 4004 4664
E: mail@kalaghodaassociation.com
C/o A.Τ.Ε. Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.,
4th Floor, Dr. V. B. Gandhi Marg,
Next to Keneseth Eliyahoo Synagogue,
Fort, Mumbai 400 023